The Problem

  • 20.2%
    Grade III children can read Grade II level text (Falls from 27.3% in 2018)
  • 40%
    Average scores of primary school children
  • 50.8%
    Children attend school on a regular basis
  • 92%
    Primary school children lost a previously-learned language ability during COVID
  • Source: ASER 2022; Azim Premji Foundation, 2021

Indian children lag behind in foundational literacy and numeracy

triangle icon

India's primary school enrollment continues to increase but the numbers for attendance, engagement, and outcomes say otherwise.

Shraddhamaanu's foundational literacy and numeracy

Despite higher education levels, Indian women are underrepresented in the public sphere

India produced more women STEM graduates than the US and UK, but its number of women in the workforce are among the lowest in the world.

Shraddhamaanu's Teacher Training Program
  • 2x
    Women unemployed as compared to men
  • 60%
    Women in the productive age bracket who are homemakers
  • 23.4%
    Female labour participation rate
  • 19.6M
    Women who quit or lost their jobs

Source: World Bank

Our Interventions


Providing India's female graduate force an opportunity to break free from poverty through teacher training


Delivering free after-school education support for underprivileged primary school children


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