We, at Shraddha Maanu Foundation believe that every child, regardless of their background should have access to quality education, a critical foundation to lifelong learning. Unfortunately this is not the reality for many underprivileged children. VIPASANA aims to change this by equipping these children with fundamental literacy and numeracy skills. With your support we can reach even more children and help bridge the educational gap.

  • 1300+Children

  • 50VIPASANA Microcenters.

Your donation will help us reach about 1800-2000 children across districts in Tamil Nadu in 2023-24.

Donate today & impact a life for a lifetime.

Donors for Education

Your donation can change a life forever

Whether you are interested in making a one-off donation or a long-term one, we promise to put it to good use and be completely transparent while doing so. Our donors receive regular reports, newsletters, and thanks from the women and children in Shraddha Maanu programs, as well as an 80G tax exemption.

So, donate with love and faith, and watch bright futures unfold!